Out of all the languages in the world, French is one language that can be seen all over social media. This is because the French culture, its clothing, French poets and writers, and its history have given the world so much to remember and treasure. At the same time, although the French language seems to be quite complicated, it’s still very attractive and appealing when it’s written. Therefore, Instagram is filled with pictures that contain French Captions. Likewise, French quotes about life, attitude, love, friendship, etc are a forever trend, particularly on Instagram. So if you’re looking for French Instagram Captions then you’re in the right place. We’ve collected various French Captions and that too with meanings like Aesthetic French Quotes, Fascinating French Captions For Instagram, Motivating French Captions about Success and Romantic French Quotes about Love.
The list given below contains all of the best French captions. It also includes captions and quotes for girls and boys along with some cool one-word captions. Yes, you heard it right. This article has more French Instagram Captions that include Sassy French Captions for Girls, Cool French Captions for Boys and One Word Captions in French. We hope that you like the captions we handpicked for you.
French Instagram Captions with Meaning in 2023 by ChatGPT
- 🌙 Énigme d’amour. #MystèreDeLaNuit
- À la recherche de l’inconnu. #Exploration
- Douceur du crépuscule. 🌅 #MagieDuSoir
- L’essence de la romance éternelle. 💕 #AmourInfini
- Au-delà des étoiles, une promesse. ✨ #DestinÉtoilé
- Enveloppé dans un mystère envoûtant. #CharmeSecret
- Rêves tissés dans les rayons de lune. 🌙 #RêverieNocturne
- L’art de se perdre dans les rues pavées. 🚶♀️ #Flânerie
- Quand la pluie danse avec la tristesse. ☔️ #Mélancolie
- Souvenirs capturés en un battement de cœur. 💞 #InstantMagique
- Au bout de la rue, une révélation. #SecretsCachés
- Un soupçon de mystère, une dose de séduction. 🔮 #AttiranceEnigmatique
- Les murmures de Paris racontent des histoires oubliées. 📚 #PasséInsoupçonné
- Entre les ombres, une lumière brille. 💡 #LueurMystérieuse
- Quand le silence parle plus fort que les mots. 🤫 #MystèreSilencieux
- Les couleurs de la vie se dévoilent. 🎨 #PaletteÉclatante
- Le parfum de la liberté flotte dans l’air. 🌺 #EvasionSensuelle
- Une énigme à résoudre, un cœur à conquérir. ❤️ #DéfiRomantique
- L’inattendu révèle les secrets cachés. 🕵️♂️ #RévélationMystérieuse
- Les promesses d’un baiser volé. 💋 #PassionFurtive
- L’horizon brille de promesses futures. 🌅 #AvenirRadieux
- Les rues étroites cachent des histoires sans fin. 🏰 #MéandresMagiques
- Une âme solitaire, mais pas seule. 🌌 #SolitudeEnchantée
- Quand le monde se transforme en une toile d’art. 🎭 #ExpressionCréative
- L’amour est un labyrinthe enchanté. 💘 #CœurEnvoûté
- Secrets enfouis sous les rayons du soleil. ☀️ #MystèreRévélé
- Le murmure de la mer apaise l’âme. 🌊 #CalmeÉnigmatique
- Les mots non-dits résonnent dans l’air. 🤐 #LangageSecret
- Les yeux sont les fenêtres de l’âme. 👀 #MystèreIntérieur
- Dans les bras de la nuit, je me perds. 🌃 #ObscuritéSéduisante
- L’inconnu est mon meilleur compagnon. 👥 #VoyageMystérieux
- La solitude est mon refuge. 🏞️ #SolitudeMagique
- Au-delà des apparences, une vérité cachée. 🎭 #MasqueTragique
- Les rêves se réalisent lorsque la magie opère. ✨ #RéalitéEnchantée
- Les échos du passé résonnent encore. 🔮 #HistoireOubliée
- Les mots sont les clés de l’âme. 🔑 #PoésieProfonde
- Les cicatrices racontent des histoires d’espoir. 💪 #RésilienceÉnigmatique
- Perdu dans les méandres de la beauté. 😍 #Émerveillement
- Les mystères ne demandent qu’à être découverts. 🕵️♀️ #SecretsRévélés
- L’amour est un feu qui ne s’éteint jamais. 🔥 #FlammeÉternelle
- Les rêves sont des portes vers l’inconnu. 🚪 #VoyageOnirique
- La vérité se cache dans les regards. 👁️ #RegardProfond
- Les souvenirs sont les bijoux de l’âme. 💎 #TrésorIntérieur
- Le temps révèle les vérités enfouies. ⌛ #RévélationTemporelle
- Les mots s’envolent, les émotions restent. 🕊️ #ÉmotionÉternelle
- Les ténèbres révèlent la beauté cachée. 🌑 #ÉclatMystique
- La passion est le feu qui brûle en moi. 🔥 #ArdeurInextinguible
- L’inattendu est mon inspiration. 💡 #CréativitéInfinie
- Les rêves se réalisent au-delà des frontières. 🌍 #MondeMerveilleux
- L’amour est une énigme à résoudre à deux. 💑 #ConnexionMystique
Top 10 French Instagram Captions 2022
1. “Prends ton temps (take your time).”
French is sexy, isn’t it? If you feel the same and have a picture that you have been meaning to post on Instagram then use this French Instagram caption as your Instagram post caption. This caption will look with your picture.
2. “J’adore manger (I love to eat).”
If you are a foodie and love going to different cafes with different and authentic food then show the world your love for food using this Instagram caption. This French caption will show your love for food.
3. “Serre-Moi. [Hug me.]”
Captions that are short and crispy always make their way into our list. We prefer to add short captions because sometimes people just hate reading big captions, so for their convenience, we’ve added this Short French Caption. If you are one of those people then go ahead and use this caption.
4. “Les zombies mangent des cerveaux. Alors, tu es en sécurité. [Zombies eat brains. So, you are safe.]”
Planning to post a picture without a caption or did you already do this? Believe us that Instagram post will make everyone hate your stunning pictures because there is no caption with your pictures. Well, don’t worry as you can use this French Instagram Caption for your pictures.
5. “Je pense toujours à toi. [I always think of you.]”
Captions are very important for your pictures if you’re planning to post those pictures on your social media. It is because captions bring out the real beauty of your pictures and if you can’t think of a good caption then you can use this French caption for your pictures.
6. “amour sans fin(Endless love).”
If you are here because you are on the lookout for a French Caption then be happy because you’re at your final stop. We searched the whole web and found this caption for your Instagram post. You can go ahead and use this caption for your Instagram.
7. “Ta gueule(Shut up).”
Are you having a tough day as you’re searching for a French caption all day and still failed to find the perfect one? If this is the case then let us solve this problem. You’ll be glad to know that we’ve got the perfect Caption for your phenomenal pictures.
8. “Au coin du feu(By the fireside).”
Sometimes all people want is a simple caption for their pictures but that one must be catchy and impressive. If you want a French caption for your pictures then you are in the perfect place. If you like this caption then go ahead and use this one.
9. “L’amour c’est de l’amitié mise au feu. Dans le bon sens… [Love is friendship set on fire. In a good way…]”
We have said captions are very important for an Instagram post and without a proper caption an Instagram post is incomplete. So if you want a French Caption for your pictures then this place is for you. This caption will compliment your pictures.
10. “Paris se souvient(Paris remembers).”
If you want a French caption for the pictures that you recently took while you were exploring Paris streets then this is the perfect place for you. You’ll be glad to know that we’ve found this classy French caption for you and your pictures.
Sassy French Captions for Girls
As complicated as girls are, French Captions make the perfect combination with their Instagram photos of all types. So, here is a list of some sassy yet savage girl captions for Instagram.
- Plus je me trouve moi-même, plus je perds de personnes. – The more I find myself, the more people I lose.
- Si tu ne m’aimes pas et que tu regardes tout ce que je fais. Salope, tu es une fan. – If you don´t like me and still watch everything I do. Bitch, You´re a fan.
- Les zombies mangent des cerveaux. Alors, tu es en sécurité. – Zombies eat brains. So, you are safe.
- 5’2 ma taille mais mon attitude 6’1. – 5’2 my height but my attitude is 6’1.
- Être un badass avec un bon cul. – Be a Badass with a good ass.
- Je suis la fille que tu as toujours voulue. – I’m the girl you’ve always wanted.
- Ce n’est pas un diadème. J’ai simplement ébloui mes cornes. – It´s not a tiara. I simply bedazzled my horns.
- Court, impertinent, mignon et chic. – Short, sassy, cute and classy.
- Son attitude est sauvage mais son coeur est en or. – Her attitude is savage but her heart is gold.
- Toujours chic, jamais trash et un peu impertinent. – Always classy, never trashy, and a little bit sassy.
- Ranger, ramer, ramer doucement votre bateau loin de moi. – Row, row, row your boat gently the f*ck away from me.
- Tais-toi, je porte des talons plus gros que ton d * ck. – Shut up, I wear heels bigger than your d*ck.
- Oh, j’ai vu quelque chose qui m’avait fait penser à toi aujourd’hui, mais ne t’inquiète pas, je l’ai tirée. – Oh, I saw something that reminded me of you today, but do not worry, I flushed it.
- Je pense que vous souffrez d’un manque de vitamine moi. – I think you are suffering from a lack of vitamin me.
Also, check out Girls Instagram Captions
Aesthetic French Quotes
Anything that can describe beauty can be called aesthetic. The French language had tonnes and gallons of aesthetic sayings and slogans. We present to you a list from which you can directly copy and paste these on your Instagram to make your posts stand out.
- n’oublie pas de vivre – Don’t forget to live.
- Savoir, penser, rêver. Tout est là. – To know, to think, to dream. That is all.
- Il ne faut pas attendre d’être parfait pour commencer quelque chose de bien – Don’t wait to be perfect to start something good.
- Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour. – Nothing is real but dreams and love.
- Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.- The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.
- Petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid. – Little by little, the bird makes its nest.
- qui cherche trouve – Seek and ye shall find.
- l’amour l’emporte – Love wins. Always!
- J’accepte la grande aventure d’être moi. – I accept the great adventure of being me.
- amour sans fin – Endless love.
For more aesthetic captions, see Aesthetic Captions & Quotes
Fascinating French Captions For Instagram
Did you know more than 1.5 million people in America speak French as a native language? Having said that, it is also called the language of the hearts spoken all across the globe. If you also want to be popular on Instagram then try using these fascinating French captions.
- Libre comme l’air (free as a bird).
- Quand on a pas ce que l’on aime, il faut aimer ce que l’on a(When one doesn’t have the things that one loves, one must love what one has).
- Le monde est un livre dont chaque pas nous ouvre une page. -Alphonse de Lamartine(The world is a book – with each step we open a page).
- Les livres sont des amis froids et sûrs. -Victor Hugo(Books are cold and certain friends).
- Moi? Bizarre? B * tch s’il vous plaît! Je suis une édition limitée(Me? Weird? B*tch Please! I am Limited Edition).
- Je pratique ce que je poste(I practice what I post).
- Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre(No one is as deaf as the one who does not want to listen).
- Je suis blessé mais je souris toujours. C’est ma vie(I’m hurt but I still smile. That’s my life).
- Qui n’avance pas, recule( If you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward).
- Je ne regrette rein (I regret nothing).
- Groupe sanguin: noir mat avec une pointe d’(Blood type: matte black with a hint of gold).
- Non ce n’est pas un rêve, c’est ma réalité(No this isn’t a dream, this is my reality).
Want more? See BEACH Instagram Captions
Motivating French Captions about Success
The French language has pearls of wisdom for anyone open to endless life adventures and wonders. It has quotes that will inspire you to be a little better and achieve your goals a little earlier, only if you’re willing to ponder upon them.
- Vouloir c’est pouvoir/ When there’s a will, there’s away.
- À vaillant coeur rien d’impossible. – For a valiant heart nothing is impossible.
- C’est toujours le bon moment. – It’s always a good time.
- Fais toujours de ton mieux même si personne ne regarde. – Always do your best even if no one’s looking.
- Votre source de motivation est l’ingrédient qui peut faire toute la différence. – Your source of motivation is an ingredient which can make all the difference.
- Vous n’êtes pas encore arrivés mais vous êtes plus proche qu’hier.- You haven’t arrived yet, but you are closer than yesterday.
- La vérité vaut bien qu’on passe quelques années sans la trouver. – Truth is more valuable if it takes you a few years to find it.
- Prouver que j’ai raison serait accorder que je puis avoir tort. – Proving that I am right would be admitting that I could be wrong.
- La parfaite valeur est de faire sans témoin ce qu’on serait capable de faire devant tout le monde. – True valor is to do in secrecy what you could just have easily done before others.
- A vaincre sans peril, on triomphe sans gloire. – To win without risk is a triumph without glory
Also, check out Quotes for Mentoring
One Word Captions in French
If you don’t wish to load your Instagram with piles of long to read and difficult to understand French captions, then putting just one French word works just right. Here are some of them for you to use on your Instagram.
- Coquelicot(Poppy).
- Clair de lune( Moonlight).
- Couci-couca(So-so).
- Bouchon(Traffic jam).
- Lueur(Glow).
- Guimauve(Marshmallow).
- Appelle-moi(Call me).
- Bientôt(Soon).
- Floraison(Bloom).
- Tentation(Temptation).
- Embrasse-moi(Kiss me).
- Heureux(Happy).
- Ivre(Drunk).
- Raison (Reason).
- Merci (Thank you).
- Pétillante(Sparkling).
- Inoubliable(Unforgettable).
- Goutte de pluie(Raindrop).
- Raccourci(Shortcut).
- Monsieur (Gentleman).
- Ciel(Sky).
- Insolite(Unusual).
- Soleil(Sun).
- Madame (Married woman).
- Bouder(To sulk).
- Faux cul*(Hypocrite).
- Toujours(Always).
- Détente(Relaxation).
- Doucement(Gently).
- Mademoiselle (Unmarried woman).
- Saperlipopette!(Goodness me!).
- Incassable(Unbreakable).
- Chouette(Nice).
- Homme (Man).
- Buongiorno(Hello).
- Mériter(To deserve).
- Vie(Life).
- Bonsoir (Good evening).
- Français ( French).
- Rarissime(Extremely rare).
- Automne(Fall).
For more, see SHORT Instagram Captions
Cool French Captions for Boys
As cool as the French language sounds, French literature is famous for its classiness. So, for all the cool boys out there here are some great Instagram captions in French.
- La vie est ce qui vous arrive pendant que vous faites défiler Instagram – Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram
- Le temps est un grand maître, dit-on. Le malheur est qui’il tue ses élèves. – We say that time is a great teacher. It’s too bad that it kills all its students.
- Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie – A lone man is always in poor company.
- Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir. – It is better to prevent than to heal.
- Créer, c’est vivre deux fois.- To create is to live twice
- Si “l’amour est dans l’air”, pourquoi l’air est-il si pollué? – If “love is in the air” why is the air so polluted?
- Qui court deux lievres a la fois, n’en prend aucun – Who runs after two hares at the same time, catches none.
- Le future est entre nos mains- The future is in our hands
Also, check out Boys Instagram Captions
Romantic French Quotes about Love
French history is filled with romanticism, a word that captures the essence of romance from the French literature and art that were popularized there in the 18th Century. Thus, for all your pictures with that special someone, we have the loveliest French quotes about love.
- Il n’y a qu’un bonheur dans la vie, c’est d’aimer et d’être aimé.- There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
- Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction – Love doesn’t mean gazing at each other, but looking, together, in the same direction.
- L’amour est comme le vent, nous ne savons pas d’où il vient. – Love is like the wind, we never know where it will come from.
- Oh ! si tu pouvais lire dans mon coeur, tu verrais la place où je t’ai mise – If you could read my heart, you would see the place I have given you there.
- Quand il me prend dans les bras / Il me parle tout bas / Je vois la vie en rose.- When he takes me in his arms/ and speaks to me softly, / I see the world through rose-coloured glasses.
- Car, vois-tu, chaque jour je t’aime davantage, aujourd’hui plus qu’hier et bien moins que demain – For, you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
- Quand on est aimé on ne doute de rien. Quand on aime, on doute de tout. – those who are loved, doubt nothing. Those who love, doubt everything.
- Entre deux cœurs qui s’aiment, nul besoin de paroles – Two hearts in love need no words.
- La vie est une fleur dont l’amour est le miel – Life is a flower, of which love is the honey.
- L’amour fait les plus grandes douceurs et les plus sensibles infortunes de la vie. – Love makes life’s sweetest pleasures and worst misfortunes.
For more love captions, see Captions & Quotes for Couples
Tags and Keywords for French Instagram Captions
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Have you been in search of French Instagram Captions? If you seek French captions for your Instagram then you are in the right place. This amazing collection offers plenty of captions that you can use to caption your picture on Instagram.
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